If you don't know who these 3 guys are, you're more than missing out. It should be considered a national crime not to know who Moe, Larry and Curly were, which to be exact, they were one of the most brilliant comedy trios of out lifetime.
They brought joy to millions, and even after their departure from this life, they continue to do so with re-runs, DVD sales and downloads of their comedy antics. I have been a 3 Stooges fan ever since my Dad had me sit down and watch a few episodes with him. After that initial viewing, I was hooked.
The Stooges were a silly slap upside the head for Americans when times were tough - through the Great Depression, War(s). they poked fun at being poor and the real terror of war - even being brave enough to mock Hitler, WHILE he was in command. Pretty brave and funny if you ask me.
I remember my Grandpa telling me that those guys were the kings of comedy and they really helped people to smile and laugh during otherwise bleak times. That they "Put a little bit of cheap joy back into people's lives when it was most needed."
As most of you know, many people have been down in the dumps about the current state of affairs in our country and world in general. I say we could all learn a lot from the Stooges on the best coping mechanism when there isn't a lot you can do to control outside frustrations.
That's right, laughter. You lost your job? Well, so has most of us, join the club. Have yourself a good, hardy laugh about it, I promise it WILL make you feel better. Sure you might be worried about bills and whatnot, but I can guarantee you, it will all turn out okay. Things somehow have a way of working themselves out as they should. Just laugh at the fact that some poor slob will one day have your old gig - for less money and more stress. That should make you smile.
You sick with the Swine Flu? Grab a hot cup of tea and have a good chuckle at the fact you probably promised yourself you wouldn't get sick. Shit happens. Have a laugh and move on from it. Or look at yourself in the mirror - your matted hair and sallow complexion are sure to make you look like some zombie, kind of funny looking, eh? Go ahead and laugh a little. It's okay.
Wife, Husband or Lover leaving you? You are probably better off in the long run, but let yourself giggle - after all they are that person's problem now, and you get more room in your bed, and time to pursue worthwhile activities such as bocce ball (a fun game might I add), or just seeing friends that you haven't seen in a while.
Back when our parents were growing up, heck even our grandparents, they had far worse to worry about. World War 1 and 2 was no joke, but neither was the Korean War or Vietnam (or any war for that matter). I heard the Depression was no picnic, either. But you know what? Somehow, our grandparents and parents made it through just fine. A big part of what pulls anyone through down times is the power of a laugh.
Moe, Larry and Curly knew this and capitalized off of it, while doing some good in the world. While I am not saying you should run off and join some comedy troupe (although I hear it's a hoot), I am saying you should share a joke, watch a funny movie or even pick up a copy of the 3 Stooges material and laugh your ass off. It's really the only good thing to do in times when life is less than rosy.
Me, I try to laugh as often as I can. Over the past year, I've had some pretty screwed up things happen to me, that could have kept me down, but instead, I just had a good laugh at the absurdity of it all, and look forward to what is next around the corner for me.
It's really all you can do.
Laugh a little.
You'll feel better.
Moe, Larry and Curly did.
And they'll never be forgotten for it.
Later Gators....
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