Monday, November 9, 2009

Shameless, Party of One.

To be shameless? What is it, really? (And isn't that little comic funny??? I found it here:  - the stuff she likes is pretty cool.)

Is being shameless sharing things with others that some might deem potentially offensive? Or is it that annoying celebrity who will do just about anything to get noticed and generate a bit of press?

The dictionary describes shameless as this:
1. having no sense of shame; brazen
2. done without shame; without decency, or modesty

I'll agree with that dictionary entry, wouldn't you?

For me, I think of it as the mindset that as a person, you frankly don't give a damn what others think of you. For example: look at women who prance around barely clad in any clothes. Some would label them sluts. Others would say they are just confident. Whatever spin you choose to put on it, bottom line, those women have chosen to be shameless.

Are you shameless? What things in your life have you chosen to be shameless about?

Perhaps you are clad in tattoos/piercings and chose to show them off, loud and proud - being shameless about what "the children" and elderly might think. I say, good for you. It's called freedom of expression.

Maybe you are known for having a sense of humor that leaves jaws dropping (like, did he/she REALLY just say that?! it is SO un-PC). Well, it's good that we can still poke fun at the absurdities in life and get a giggle from laughing at one another and what makes us all so different. Comedians do it all the time. And they make a pretty darn good living from it (well, the good ones anyways).

I am sure if George Carlin were here right now, he'd agree with me about the whole being shameless thing. He was a filthy comedian who built his rep being blunt and offensive to many. AND he also starred on a children's television show too! Rather shameless if you ask me...

Me? I have been accused of being shameless. Mostly for the fact that I am friendly and very outgoing - some call it being a "flirt" others have called it being a "tease" and a few times I have heard the grumble of the word "whore". Well, while I can say I am not a whore, I can readily admit that yes, I am a shameless flirtatious person. It's just part of my personality and who I am.

I like making people smile and feel good about themselves. Ugly, cute, old, young, men, women - it doesn't matter. I am very comfortable around people. The area that gets me into the most trouble though, is men. Other women LOVE to sling dirt about a gal who is comfortable just being "one of the guys" mixed with a  smidge of "hugginess".

It sends most women to the moon when they see a gal who can easily put a genuine smile on a guy's face, from cracking a joke, striking up intellectual conversation or just smiling at him.  It's even worse if that guy is taken, engaged or married. I have been told by quite a few women that this is disrespectful.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't pass out my number with a wink, or grab that what does not belong to me, but I won't pass up giving a friendly hug goodbye/hello or a congratulatory slap on the back. I know the line. And I tread it very carefully because as the saying goes, do unto others as you would have done unto you.

I will also say while we are on the subject of shameless, I do use profane language (when called for), I like crude humor and am not afraid to tell a joke that might make some blush (when the timing is right), I dress for the occasion (and sometimes a slinky little cocktail dress is called for), I socially will have a drink or two and guess what? I am not apologetic at all for it. I know how to have class and tact in certain situations, but I will not be policing every aspect of my life for fear of being too "shameless".

I say, let your freak flag fly. Be who you are. If it's shameless, then good for you. You are well on your way to what we call being comfortable in your own skin.  There are times when one must do some PR for their own rep, but usually that only has to happen when we take note that not everyone else views things as we do.

I'm here for the party, aren't you?
And so you can find me better...
I'll be the shameless one cracking that joke about the goat, while drinking a beer and chatting with some guys.

Catch y'all later...


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