The beloved Yard Gnome. We all know him and we love him. He spends countless hours day and night, in all seasons, guarding our lawns from would be assailants to pristine flower beds and grass. He has become a star in movies and a company spokesperson - heck he has even got his own Twitter account and Facebook page. He is the epitome of uber-hip.
Some may ask why such a kitschy little object matters so much to so many devotees and enthusiasts.
There is but one answer to explain the magic of said Yard Gnome.
He is barely a foot tall, he is dressed like an elf and drinks beer.
Don't believe me about the beer thing? Ever have a beer sitting out and wonder who drank it? The Gnome. Ever stock a fridge with tall frosty ones only to find that something or someone had made off with a few? Yup, the Gnome.
So dear drinkers of the drunken brew known as beer, lager, stout, a pint and so on, pay your respects to the Gnome. And from time to time, he may just pop up on this blog at a party, drinking your swill, while you are far to occupied with other matters. He may even pop up at a beloved establishment or two, looking debonair and giving some pointers about social etiquette.
That is all for now.
Have a great Saturday.
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