Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love: Isn't All You Need

With Valentine's Day fast approaching and the throngs of star-crossed lovebirds chasing down that perfect card from Hallmark and extra special gift for their significant other, I cannot help but to laugh. I laugh because you can keep love my friend. What is love really?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that? It is a shallow set of 3 otherwise meaningless words that when plugged into a sentence together, is supposed to signify more than words can say. That we above all else, adore someone to the extent that we feel inclined to mutter those 3 words together in order to signify our devotion to them.

I save love for people I know aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Namely, my family and dearest friends - but even time will only tell with them. I only love the people that should they exit my life, I would probably shed some tears over. Now that's love. To me, at least. I've cried over more pets and dear people than I have over former "loves".

If I really and truly love someone, I choose to share my life (or some aspect of it) with them. I let them into my world and all that goes on in it. Sure, I may have "loved" my exs - but let's face it, muttering those words were an act of compliance and obligation. He "loved" me and I of course cared deeply for him. So, I "loved" him. I can tell you this though - if any of my exs were to exit my life entirely (I'm talking meeting their maker) I probably would feel sorry for their families, but I wouldn't cry over them. Because I really and truly didn't "love" them deeply enough in the first place.

Cold? Perhaps so. But love holds a higher value to me. Do I "love" anyone? Well, I might like someone an absolute lot and "love" the person I am closest too at the moment, but if they should leave on their own accord, that "love" fades.

And so it goes sometimes. People fall in and out of love and the whole notion is rather sickening. We as people like the thrill and rush from it all. New love. New things. Sometimes though, you are lucky enough to have real and true love - old love that through the years, you just love and adore that person even more - like a wine. It only gets better with time.

I'll take happiness over love any day. Happiness in the time I share with someone. Happiness in my own life.

To me, happiness isn't a source of pain, anger, frustration (and more). But, there aren't many happiness songs. Well, maybe a few - but those are few and far between. Love on the other hand - you just can't seem to escape on the radio. Good love. Real love. Bad love. Tragic love and so on. That shit is everywhere. You can't seem to avoid it.

Happiness is just that. Happy. Content. Glad and joyous of each moment. Wouldn't you much prefer to have a whole lot of that with someone - all the time?

Sounds like a good deal to me.

So to all of you in love or loving someone - have a great day of meeting that obligation. I'll be in pursuit of happiness that day and I'm sure it can be found without a card, 3 words, flowers or chocolates...



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