Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Hardest Word to Say.

Why is it as people, some of us find it hard to simply just apologize? Why is that?

Apologize for being rude. Apologize for snagging the last good item from the vending machine. Apologize for doing something really screwed up to someone else. Just apologize.

I don't get it. I apologize. And when I do, I mean it.

I hurt your feelings? Sorry. I bumped your beer and made it splash on you? Sorry. Let me get you a fresh one. I failed to let you speed through the yellow light? Sorry. (But, it was for your own safety.)

You get the idea.

So folks, you screw up, admit it. Even if you have the most remote inkling that you did something that warrants an apology, say it. And mean it. It really does matter to people.

In the past few months I have had people do some pretty rude things to/towards me. They never apologized. They went on like their actions were perfectly acceptable. They weren't. And still aren't. I haven't forgotten and yes, when you get around to it, I would appreciate an apology.

Just sayin...

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